"We protect Resources, Health & Life."

In 2022, after seven years of R&D
"Hygiene & Service Digital", in short: "HySeDi",
was founded to make our world a little rounder, step by step.

With the quality of our offerings, we strengthen the capabilities of our partners. In this way, you and we together make an important contribution to our employees, our partners and society.

We think supply chain from the customer's perspective.  
Together we are entering a new era of hygiene & service, administration, ordering and delivery, setting new standards at the highest level, and reducing costs and Co2 emissions.

Step by step

After placing Medi-Sink, we offer exclusive digital solutions. 
Gradually, you can choose individual service packages, depending on the type and scope of your company/institution.

The more effective our solutions, the more time-consuming and cost-intensive are development & implementation. Since they scale globally, the high costs are absorbed by the large number of users. But first we have to manage our time and financial resources accordingly, which is why we offer package by package. 
For this we ask for your understanding.

Our mission

"We protect Resources, Health & Life."

Not just a slogan, but the purpose of HySeDi - limitless.

Since our solutions make your life & work easier, and reduce costs, we can continuously offer you new offers on this basis, and quickly exand.

Our way

Together with you, we break new ground that has long since been taken routinely and successfully in other areas. To achieve our and your goals, we level and straighten them with IoT, AI, cloud, and custom-fit tools.

All stakeholders are invited to use the processed data. In this way, we perfect the benefits for all stakeholders together.

Our goal

We make the integration and use of our solutions simple and efficient for you, and make them available globally. The more partners, the greater the benefit for all stakeholders. This is how we live up to our mission.

  • Preserve health, environment & prosperity + reduce costs.

Together with you we show: "Yes - it can be done!"

HySeDi breaks new ground

100 years of sanitation hygiene & service standstill !

Consequences: Poor hygiene, costly service, hardly any control possibilities, cost-intensive administration, incorrect ordering, high delivery costs. And since 2016 it is known (RKI quote): "The sink drain is an open pathogen reservoir of fecal and oral flora."

The founder of HySeDi, Egon Jung, has observed and analyzed these problems for many years as a manager in large catering establishments, at service providers and suppliers, and has developed digital designs and solutions from this experience.

At the University of Passau, he received the necessary input over many years. Since no one except the chancellor knew why Mr. Jung was at lectures, in the BiBs and of course at the CafeBar almost every day for several years, and was invited to exclusive lectures, the wildest rumors circulated. At the same time, a high-caliber network of employees, students, PhD students, doctors and professors was created, which has since been expanded to include WERK1 (Munich) and the BioPark Regensburg.

The biggest challenge, besides the rapid developments, was to keep the costs for partners low. However, it soon became apparent that the comprehensive optimizations significantly reduced costs. At HySeDi, this requires extensive knowledge, time and enormous capital expenditure.

With perfect toilets, you don't win customers, guests, employees, or cure patients. But if neglected, you lose them; vandalism increases. Restrooms are a cost and risk factor, and together we reduce both.

We all use restrooms every day, and have had "bad" experiences. Let's put an end to it.

Your Team-HySeDi