"We protect Resources, Health & Life."
Our vocation - and YOURs ?
Would you like to experience again such drastic problems in hygiene and supply chain as in the last years?
We reduce these global problems in a "Blue Ocean" that is only partially served, with a new look at it. Hygiene has been neglected for too long, despite millions of deaths. B2B with its huge sectors "Hygiene" & "Near-Food" is still in its infancy compared to B2C. HySeDi is changing that and optimizing with + IoT + Cloud + AI.
- Google knows what you want.
- Amazon knows what you buy.
- HySeDi knows what you need.
> For hygiene management, our information about user and room hygiene is essential - for service, whether goods are missing - the warehouse, whether goods are running low - for distributors, when, which, how much goods, where to deliver - for producers, how high the consumption of agent X is in region Y; in real time + view into the future via AI. <
Ab Mitte 2024 können sich Investoren einbringen:
With a new view of the supply chain, our HySeDi platform with IoT + AI + resilient data serves this need for optimization. Stakeholders, from service, administration, distribution, to production of hygiene and near-food items, are completely re-planning the use of their resources.
"Medi-Sink" is placed first due to its relevance to society as a whole, and is spun off together with other digital solutions developed for this purpose. Thus, the focus is then solely on the platform.
The data from Medi-Sink(+) will continue to be used.
Hygiene & service are a high cost factor. Only with a lot of effort and difficult to control, and therefore has high potential for improvement and savings. Warehousing and ordering are also costly and prone to errors, since it is hardly possible to work with data so far.
Distributors optimize truck freight areas, delivery routes, inventory, liquidity, service, costs and Co2 emissions. Producers also identify market changes in real time. Data on the HySeDi platform is used multiple times, positively impacting the entire supply chain.
Hygiene, cost efficiency and Co2 emissions play a decisive role worldwide. Service is steadily gaining in importance. Cleaning, storage, ordering, delivery, and production are largely identical globally for hygiene and near-food, and thus predestined for our digital optimization.
Step by step
HySeDi places Medi-Sink on the market with its own resources, and thus also spans an extensive network to customers and sales for the platform.
Substantial funds will again be spent on the HySeDi platform. Potential investors will receive meaningful information from mid-2024.
Experienced partners who support us in growth & globalization are welcome.
Safety is an elementary basic need - from birth.